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School/Daycare Visit

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Want a visit from the firefighters to your class? We would be happy to join you! If you would like to schedule for the fire department to come to visit your class for a fire safety presentation, we are offering virtual and in-person presentations for all grades.

  • Preschool/ Kindergarten: Perfect program for our younger friends to learn about firefighters, and see the gear and tools they use. We also cover items we might see in our home that are hot and items that are not.
  • 1-2nd Grade: When to call 9-1-1 – We teach kids how to identify if there is an emergency and when to call 9-1-1. We then focus on how to call 9-1-1 and what information is needed to help the first responders. We focus on learning our home address and phone number.
  • 2nd-3rd Grade: Sound Off with the Home Safety Patrol – Learn about smoke alarm safety in homes and how to identify and correct possible fire hazards. We teach this class based on the Sound Off curriculum provided by YMI (Young Minds Inspired).
  • Home Alone – This program is for younger teens who are just starting off staying home alone and/or babysitting. The Home Alone program teaches teens how to react in an emergency when they are all by themselves or with younger children. Learn about cooking fire safety, burn prevention, and basic first aid skills.

To schedule a school/daycare visit, please contact Anissa Griggs at [email protected]