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Today the South Adams County Fire Department responds to over 10,000 medical and fire calls annually.  Our diverse area includes major highways, large industrial areas, commercial and residential properties, and the only refinery in Colorado.  SACFD is a special place with traditional roots, passion, innovation, and dedication that will always strive for what is best for our community and citizens that reside here and travel through. 

Since 2015 SACFD has hired over 76 Firefighters and 32 administrative personnel and counting.  We have replaced dated fire apparatus, fire gear, and SCBA, built a new indoor training and wellness facility, purchased a new Haz-Com unit, and purchased one of the only “Blocker Apparatuses,” in the state.  We strive on looking for innovative ways to provide our firefighters with the best while being good constituents with tax dollars.  Some of the internal milestones are; completed are a strategic plan that can be viewed on the website, CPSE accreditation modules on standards of cover and self-assessment modules (in hopes of being a fully accredited Fire Department at the beginning of 2024), and in 2023 also improved our ISO 2 score from an 80 to an 86 ½. 

Thanks to everyone who is a part of this incredible journey of making SACFD one of the greatest Fire Departments around!  By constantly looking for ways to improve and be innovative, we hope that better fire safety measures and responses can be passed along to our community.