Our History
History of SACFD
Explore the Rich History of the South Adams Country Fire Department
From an all-volunteer fire department in 1942 to protecting approximately 76 square miles of residential, commercial, industrial, and open lands today.

1942: Began as All Volunteer
On February 9, 1942, the South Adams County Fire Department was formed as an all-volunteer fire department. The Department was an outgrowth of a local civil defense group resulting from WWII. The primary funding for the volunteers up until 1952 was through fundraising
1952: Formed with Mill Levy
In 1952 the South Adams County Fire District was formed with a 1/2 mill tax levy.
2013: What We are Today
In 2013, thanks to the citizens’ faith in 5A, SACFD became a combination department of reserve firefighters and career staff.
2015: Apparatus Dedication
In 2015, South Adams County Fire Department and Captain Donny Ottaway introduced a naming apparatus honoring local fallen military and local first responder heroes.
South Adams achieved an ISO Class 2 Fire Department
South Adams County Fire Department is proud and excited to announce we have received notification from the Insurance Service Office (ISO) that, based on our recent evaluation, we are now a Class 2/2x Fire Department. This rating is a significant improvement from our previous rating (of nearly a Class 6/9). South Adams County is now one of the 1,243 fire departments (out of nearly 49,000) in the United States with a Class 2 rating.

2020: Rebranding: New Logo and Badge
South Adams County Fire Department proudly announces the launch of our new company logo. The new logo brings a modern look capturing our core values along with our skyline while integrating our established year and keeping our SACFD scramble prominent. Our department has grown significantly, and we are always evolving, and this new refreshed look reflects the ongoing development of our department. The task in the upcoming months will be to update collaterals, uniforms, engines/trucks, websites, business cards, etc., with the new logo and look.
Additionally, we introduced new badges that will have a new look that is quite a change from our department’s traditional-looking badge. The new badges will bare the fire maltese cross and will be banded together by pick axes signifying our pride and strength, and will represent the badge of a firefighter.
South Adams County Fire Department will continue to serve with dedication, pride, and excellence to our community through outstanding customer service, transparency, public health/safety, prevention, and education.

2021: Expansion of Fleet/Maintenance Shop
To enhance our abilities to keep up with our ever-growing fleet and be sure the Apparatus, Fire Engines, Trucks, Ambulances, and fleet vehicles are all in tip-top shape for a response. The expansion will allow for additional bays that will handle indoor heavy equipment maintenance, office space, a building maintenance shop, and the potential for hiring additional mechanics.

2022: Training Center
Purchased an existing 4-acre site with 40,000 sq. of building space in Commerce City to enhance our training division. The building will provide a source of state-of-the-art indoor training, space for personnel, quartermaster, and Information Technology. Additionally, SCBA maintenance, reserve apparatus and fire prevention and investigation equipment, and a workout facility are some of the plans.

2023: Today
Our department responds to over 10,000 calls annually and has over 73 Firefighters and 28 Administrative staff. We protect approximately 68.78 sq. miles of residential and commercial, industrial, and open lands. We contract and partner with Platte Valley Ambulance to run medical calls within the district, which ambulances staffed 24/7 throughout the district.

2023 Coming Soon!
The growth in Commerce City remains at high speed, along with increased department needs and service calls. Below are some exciting things we have planned to keep up with the growth and continue to provide excellent service to our community!
Support Building (69th Avenue): The building will house Fire Prevention and Investigation equipment.